Lakshmi-Ganesh Homam



Lakshmi Ganapathy Homam is said to be the Homa of getting Success, Abundance, Prosperity and Good Luck. It is said that Lakshmi-Ganapati Homam i.e. Lakshmi-Ganesh Homa is one of the very powerful homam for removing financial crisis and restoration of financial stability. It may be your personal or your business financial crisis or the crisis pertaining to your company, Lakshmi-Ganapathy Homa may remove the problem you are facing. 

Devi Lakshmi is the Goddess of Fortune, Goddess of wealth and abundance. Lord Ganesh is the God of removing obstacles and giving success. It is also said that Lakshmi Ganesh Homam or Havan blesses with the peace in the family, in work place and in business place. Lakshmi-Ganapathy bondage together is the bondage of Riddhi and Siddhi i.e. Prosperity, Abundance, Success and Protection. 

This Homam is also said to be effective for those who are engaged in running business. You may be running a small scale or large scale business, or you may be even a multinational business tycoon; a periodic continuation of this Laxmi-Ganesh Homam may rectify the Long continued or sudden or possible forth coming business crisis and may restore the gravity of your business along with financial stability..



After placing order you may write us your details in a separate email to us i.e. your date of birth, place of birth, time of birth, your gotra, your star, purpose of your Homam (your wishes). You may send your photograph too that will be only used in your spiritual event. You may write us at - 



Price -   Rs.8500/-  or  US $ 141

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You may also make payment to Bharat Spiritual (Phone : 9231571119) through Google Pay / Phone Pay / PayTm. In the note write your name, Puja/Homa etc. you opted for, your Phone no.  In a separate email write your details and send it to



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